The Genesis with Dr. G. Love – Lunch with the Doc Vol. 1 In Laguna Beach

The Genesis with Dr. G. Love-Lunch with the Doc
Vol. 1 in Laguna Beach CA

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You know when you're late to a movie and you miss the opening scene and you feel cheated?

Maybe you lean over to the person sitting next to you and whisper, "Hey, what happened?"

and then they say "Shhhhhhhhh." Then it takes you like 20 minutes to figure out what's going on.

From that day forward you swear you will never be late to another movie in your life. Then two weeks later you are going to see the new Batman with your friend and the same thing happens because you wanted In n Out before and you miss that critical, all important, spectacular scene! Shucks, so frustrating.

Or imagine if a good friend lent you a book that changed their life. You are all excited to get home after work to unlock the transformative power lying just behind the cover.

Only to find out that the whole first chapter has been ripped out.

Your balloon is popped. Your ship has run aground.

Every story has an inception in Laguna Beach

Those initial scenes, as we know, are crucial. Without knowledge of the beginning of a story, we are often lost and confused.

  • Every story has an inception.
  • Every book a fundamental opening.
  • Every one necessary, integral and meaningful.

Knowing this, we are pleased to release the very first Lunch with the Doc.

The genesis.

Within this video, Dr. Gary shares his story and the birth of Health in Balance in Laguna Beach CA. A story truly worth hearing. I hope you enjoy it.

Every Wednesday at 12:30 we go live at a local restaurant in town and feature a Doctor from the Health in Balance team.

We love getting into specific health issues and seek to give valuable and practical information that you can apply to your everyday life.

Today the story continues. We would love for you to join us live on Facebook or come on down to The Stand, grab a hummus sandwich and have a conversation.

Hope to see you soon.



7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

Massage Only
8:00am - 12:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Health in Balance

330 Park Ave #3
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
P: (949) 497-2553
F: (949) 497-5273