Salad And Kombucha Tea Making- Presenting “Lunch with the Doc”! In Laguna Beach

Salad and Kombucha Tea Making
"Lunch with the Doc" in Laguna Beach CA

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Over the last couple of months, our favorite day of the week and that of most Americans has run into some stiff competition.

This 'other' day of the week has been growing on us for some time now. You may have some sort of inkling as to what day this is if you have been following us on social media, seeing that we make somewhat of a big deal about it.


We have begun going live on Facebook during the lunch hour on Wednesdays over the last couple of months, and as a result, Wednesday is now our favorite day. We sit down with Dr. Gary, your Laguna Beach CA Chiropractor, or another one of our gifted doctors from the Health in Balance team for a good thirty to forty minutes and enjoy some scrumptious Laguna delicacies. The idea and/or ethos behind this live hour is to engage with our community and discuss a wide range of topics about health and life that will educate, stimulate and galvanize participants unto a healthier and more informed experience of life.

We have been having a lot of fun since we started in February, cooking in the kitchen, showing off favorite dishes, exploring recipes, eating at a litany of restaurants about town and most importantly, engaging with the community we love and cherish. We are dreaming of one day packing out local restaurants with many of you present and getting into the nuts and bolts of health and wellness every Wednesday. Regardless of your knowledge, health status or life stage, we love hearing and engaging with everybody. Our passion is to see you, your friends, family and community, live a life of health and wholeness, full of energy, abundance and joy.

Each of our videos is posted on the Health in Balance Facebook page, allowing for easy access for all who follow us there. We will also be releasing each and every 'Lunch with the Doc' on our website in the blog section. We hope that you enjoy and find some new and exciting information within these videos.

We have already discussed and talked about a number of topics ranging from Organic Foods to Posture to IV Nutritional Therapy. This has quickly become a staple here at Health in Balance, so if you have missed the last couple of months, do not fret, we go live every Wednesday and plan on it for years to come. Please don't hesitate to get in contact if you have any questions or concerns. Be sure to check out the blog each week for past episodes and mark your calendars ahead of time so you don't miss another lunch.

Stay tuned for updates and please come and join us on any given Wednesday, we would love to chat and discuss the philosophy and practice of health with you. We post on the Monday before on Facebook and Instagram where we will be eating that week.

May you and yours be blessed with health, healing, and a flourishing lifestyle.

The Health and Balance team.


7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 2:00pm

Massage Only
8:00am - 12:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Health in Balance

330 Park Ave #3
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
P: (949) 497-2553
F: (949) 497-5273